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Murray Smith, Seek The Welfare Of The City - July 3rd, Catch The Fire To...

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Murray Smith, The Power of Blessing - Catch The Fire Church in Toronto

Toronto Church

Up Next in Toronto Church

  • Murray Smith, Seek The Welfare Of The...

    This month, we want to take some time to focus on our community. Loving our city allows us to bless and connect with the people around us, practicing our God-given mandate to share the good news and love our neighbours. Join us each Sunday this month for talks on what it looks like to get outside...

  • Anger - Steve Long - Sunday June 26th...

    This month we are going to tackle a couple of hot buttons that many of us face as individuals – anger, body image, and pornography. Most of us are challenged by these issues daily. How do we win these personal battles? In scripture, God gives us lots of helpful tools for renewing our minds and bo...

  • Welcome Sunday - Murray and Ash Smith...

    Join us as we celebrate Father's Day and officially welcome Murray and Ash smith to Toronto, Full-time!