Catch The Fire Church - Toronto

Catch The Fire Church - Toronto

2 Seasons

Collection of Sunday Meetings in Toronto. Join us live Sundays at 9:00AM and 11:15AM

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Catch The Fire Church - Toronto
  • Christmas Service - 11:15AM - Catch the fire church Toronto

    Episode 49

    Join us during this Christmas season as we celebrate the gift of Jesus’s birth! This month as we talk about how Heaven Came Down, we feel so blessed by the knowledge of the goodness and kindness of God towards us. Because of the power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to be up close and personal wi...

  • Son of God - Ash Smith

    Episode 48

    Join us during this Christmas season as we celebrate the gift of Jesus’s birth! This month as we talk about how Heaven Came Down, we feel so blessed by the knowledge of the goodness and kindness of God towards us. Because of the power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to be up close and personal wi...

  • Sunday December 11th 2022, Catch The Fire Church in Toronto (11:15 AM)

    Episode 46

    Join us during this Christmas season as we celebrate the gift of Jesus’s birth! This month as we talk about how Heaven Came Down, we feel so blessed by the knowledge of the goodness and kindness of God towards us. Because of the power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to be up close and personal wi...

  • Sunday December 4th 2022, Catch The Fire Church in Toronto (9:00 AM)

    Episode 45

    Join us during this Christmas season as we celebrate the gift of Jesus’s birth! This month as we talk about how Heaven Came Down, we feel so blessed by the knowledge of the goodness and kindness of God towards us. Because of the power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to be up close and personal wi...

  • Gordon Harris - Let the nations worship Him!

    Episode 44

    Join us for our new series on Worship! As we continue to explore We have the opportunity to come before him and be completely transformed by the power and holiness of his presence. As we encounter God, worship is our response. We are compelled to respond to His beauty with extravagant worship, an...

  • Ash Smith, Wholehearted Devotion - Sunday November 13th 2022

    Episode 42

    Join us for our new series on Worship! As we continue to explore We have the opportunity to come before him and be completely transformed by the power and holiness of his presence. As we encounter God, worship is our response. We are compelled to respond to His beauty with extravagant worship, an...

  • Proclaiming His Excellence - Murray Smith

    Episode 43

    Join us for our new series on Worship! As we continue to explore We have the opportunity to come before him and be completely transformed by the power and holiness of his presence. As we encounter God, worship is our response. We are compelled to respond to His beauty with extravagant worship, an...

  • Jonatas Rogato, Corporate Worship - Sunday November 6th 2022

    Episode 41

    Join us for our new series on Worship! As we continue to explore We have the opportunity to come before him and be completely transformed by the power and holiness of his presence. As we encounter God, worship is our response. We are compelled to respond to His beauty with extravagant worship, an...

  • Steve Long, Awe & Wonder - October 30th, 2022 Catch The Fire Church in Toronto

    Episode 40

    In this series, it's all about Worship! As we continue to explore We have the opportunity to come before him and be completely transformed by the power and holiness of his presence. As we encounter God, worship is our response. We are compelled to respond to His beauty with extravagant worship, a...

  • Steve Long, Joining in Heaven's Worship - Sunday October 23rd 2022

    Episode 39

    This week we are starting our new series on Worship! As we continue to explore We have the opportunity to come before him and be completely transformed by the power and holiness of his presence. As we encounter God, worship is our response. We are compelled to respond to His beauty with extravaga...

  • Sunday October 16th 2022, Catch The Fire Church in Toronto

    Episode 38

    This month, we are excited to be starting a new yearly theme! ”Come up here” (Revelation 4) is an invitation from God for us to come closer and witness his glory. We have the opportunity to come before him and be completely transformed by the power and holiness of his presence. Our response is “h...

  • Murray Smith, Come Up Here, Sunday Oct 9th

    Episode 37

    This month, we are excited to be starting a new yearly theme! ”Come up here” (Revelation 4) is an invitation from God for us to come closer and witness his glory. We have the opportunity to come before him and be completely transformed by the power and holiness of his presence. Our response is “h...

  • Melanie Rogato, Sunday October 2nd, 2022

    Episode 36

  • Sunday September 25th, 2022 Catch The Fire Church in Toronto (11:15 AM)

    Episode 35

  • Sunday September 18th, 2022 Catch The Fire Church in Toronto (11:15 AM)

    Episode 34

  • Sunday September 11th, 2022 Catch The Fire Church in Toronto (11:15 AM)

    Episode 33

  • Murray Smith - Embracing weakness, Sunday September 4th, 2022

    Episode 32

  • Steve Long, Gentleness & Humility - Sunday August 28th, 2022

    Episode 32

    This month we are going to be talking about living in the emotional health of Jesus. The scripture that underpins it is Matt 11:25-30: "At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to li...

  • Sandra Long, Peace & Rest in the Storm - Sunday August 21st, 2022

    Episode 31

    This month we are going to be talking about living in the emotional health of Jesus. The scripture that underpins it is Matt 11:25-30: "At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to li...

  • Murray Smith, Living Loved - August 7th, 2022 - Catch the fire Toronto

    Episode 29

    This month we are going to be talking about living in the emotional health of Jesus. The scripture that underpins it is Matt 11:25-30: "At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to li...

  • Community stories hosted by Ash Smith - Sunday July 31st, 2022

    Episode 28

    This month, we want to take some time to focus on our community. Loving our city allows us to bless and connect with the people around us, practicing our God-given mandate to share the good news and love our neighbours. Join us each Sunday this month for talks on what it looks like to get outside...

  • Steve Long - Loving Our Neighbour - Sunday July 24th, 2022

    Episode 27

    This month, we want to take some time to focus on our community. Loving our city allows us to bless and connect with the people around us, practicing our God-given mandate to share the good news and love our neighbours. Join us each Sunday this month for talks on what it looks like to get outside...

  • Ash Smith, The Power of Fellowship and Hospitality

    Episode 26

    This month, we want to take some time to focus on our community. Loving our city allows us to bless and connect with the people around us, practicing our God-given mandate to share the good news and love our neighbours. Join us each Sunday this month for talks on what it looks like to get outside...

  • Murray Smith, Seek The Welfare Of The City - July 3rd, Catch The Fire Toronto

    Episode 24

    This month, we want to take some time to focus on our community. Loving our city allows us to bless and connect with the people around us, practicing our God-given mandate to share the good news and love our neighbours. Join us each Sunday this month for talks on what it looks like to get outside...