Everything is available, take what you want, My home is your
home, My child. The door is always open. Come closer, find Me,
I am worth it. Oh Lord, Your house is home to me. Let my desire
be to dwell in Your house. I am accepted and welcome in Your
presence. I do not want a visitation, I want a habitation. All the
days of my life I want to seek Him, dwell in Him, and behold
His beauty.
Take time and enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts
with praise. Go and dwell in the house of the Lord. Let His
presence feel like home. Behold his beauty.
Abba, increase my hunger. Increase my desire to be with You.
Help me to see Your beauty. Help me to focus on You. Eliminate
all distractions. I want to seek You and nothing else. Help me to
see You rightly. In Jesus name, Amen!
Up Next in Seek First - A 21 Day Devotional
Day 8 Just Go
Go. I have filled you with an all-consuming fire that cannot
be contained. I have kindled people’s hearts that need your
flame. Be the spark, I will be the oxygen. I have put you in the
environment you are in for a reason. When you change the
thermostat the whole room notices. God wants you to wa... -
Day 9 Enter His Gates
Come on through. You are welcome in His presence. The veil is
torn forever! We have total access to the Father in Heaven. Take
the road less travelled. It is so worth it! Enter with thanksgiving
and praise. He is worthy to be acknowledged and worthy to be
adored. Show people the way. You are a le... -
Day 10 Light of the World
The light of the world lives inside of us and sometimes we hide
it. We put it under a basket or we even put a blanket over it. You
are the light of the world. Everyone is drawn to the life of Christ
you live. When we follow Jesus it brings us out of darkness and
into His marvelous light. A light ...